Avatars are avatars..

(sung to the tune of People are People by Depeche Mode)

I have been thinking a lot about Avatars in Second Life recently. Just doing a bit of introspective study of myself and others. I don't know if its just me, or human nature to try and categorize things, but I think I have come up with something.

There is always something dramatic happening around in Second Life. It either starts in Plurk and spills over onto the Grid, or visa versa. It's usually about something that somebody did, or said, or didn't say, etc etc etc. All this Avatar interaction, which is really just an extention of human interaction, is really just different types of people...misunderstanding each other in my humble opinion.

It seems to me, that there are 3 basic types of Avatars (and the people behind them) that are in Second Life.

Type 1. The very serious Avatar

This Avatar takes everything very seriously in Second Life. As serious as they take their Real Lives I would hope, but there is nothing funny, or light hearted about this Avatar at all. Everything these Avatars do and say are done and said with complete seriousness, just as if there were interacting with you in Real Life.

Type 2. The occasional serious but usually light hearted Avatar.

This Avatar takes some things very seriously in Second Life, but also knows that much of it is just for fun. Each Avatar in this catagory has some things they take seriously in Second Life. What does this Avatar take seriously? It could be anything really, but there is something or things they they take very seriously in Second Life, while the rest of it is all for fun, or just ignored.

Type 3. The complete lack of seriousness Avatar.

This Avatar is only interested in fun. Nothing about Second Life is taken seriously at all. They travel within the world of Second Life, and do anything they please, without any regard to anything really. These people can be griefers, although not all of them are. These Avatars can be judgemental, but always cover it by saying "oh, its all in fun". This Type of Avatar will usually move around the Grid in a group. Sometimes you hear them in voice, laughing at what they see, or hear. They may do different Role Plays, try different things out, but all of it is just "playing in the moment". After all, Second Life is "just a game".

(Each one of these "Types" have subcatagories, some of which are way to numerous to list. This is just a simple comparison list for pete's sake! :) )

The above catagories are not judgements, but an an attempt to illustrate a point. It would seem to me that where most of the problems that occur with Avatar interactions is when you get incompatible types of Avatars together. If you put a Type 1 Avatar together with a Type 3, I would predict that they would not get along well. Maybe for a short time...but eventually it will fall apart, usuallly involving drama of some sort. I have even seen two Type 2's have issues, because what each one took seriously was not the same thing.

Maybe the trick is to really identify what Type you are, and surround yourself with like Types?

It does remind me of the E-Harmony commercials you see on TV or hear on the radio. 39 levels of compatibility testing (or something like that) to find your perfect match, or your money back...yada yada yada.

Maybe once Linden Labs is finished moving all the "adult" stuff into a lock box (um...I mean..the ZINDRA SIM), they can come up with a way to indentify your "Type" of avatar, and then they can customize your Second Life experience THAT way too. Just a thought.

So I guess the next question is...what Type are you?

7 Responses
  1. Why do I have the feeling you will soon develop on this and write more? Fun and good post. If we know what sort of avatar we are, do we have to tell you? :))

  2. Unknown Says:

    Excellent introspective on types of Avatars. I agree with Chou, sounds like this could be developed even farther. :) - I would guess I am a type 2 since I have tons of wacko fun in SL but on occasion I also work in SL and have to put on my business suit. Great Post!

  3. LOL..No Chou, you don't have to tell us why "Type" you are. I don't want to hear chatter in clubs "So, what type are YOU?"!

    And Fricker...welcome home dude! and thank you both for the comments!

    I doubt I will expand on this list, cause I have a feeling that would be a full time job!

  4. Hmm... chatters in clubs... if some could come up with that question, would mean they read your blog, and they were curious, would hence make them a little more interesting... and that would certainly sound more fun a question than other ones asked... rofl

  5. hmmmm....interesting...(thinking)

  6. Elora Henig Says:

    Great post Aldwyn ... I was wondering: the avatar type you THINK you are could be different than the type OTHERS perceive you to be.

  7. Thanks a great point Elora! I think many people may suffer from that!

    We all have images of ourselves, and images we WANT people to have. The trick, is to get the two to match.

    I see people work very hard at "creating" an image..that is not really them. Sure seems like a lot of wasted energy, but that is just me.
