My first RANT!

Ok, so, I have to ask. What is it about Second Life that makes people think they can just go anywhere they want?

I was talking to a friend last night, and he told me that he logged into his house..and there was a couple having sex...on HIS bed! WTH!

I have to wonder, why do people think that is ok in Second Life? I truly doubt they would do that in Real Life, so what makes it ok here?

Is it because it's JUST a game? My friend actually talked to said couple, and asked what they thought they were doing.

The response was, "well, there was no security, so we thought it was a public place". WHAT? A public place?

So, lets see...My friend lives on a private island, and lives in a skybox....and this is a public place? PLEASE! And from what my friend tells me, these two ....people...were not newbies either....had been in game for at least 6 mos.

So, what is it? What makes somebody just think they can go ANYWHERE, without any regard to WHERE they might be?

I travel a lot around Second Life, and I admit ... I even do the random Map jump, just for fun from time to time. But I can ALWAYS tell, if its a public place or not, and if its not .... I don't go snooping! (well, ok, if I think the place is cool, I might camera around, to admire ... but THATS IT! .... swear! ...:) )

Does Linden Labs have a class on etiquette on Welcome Island? Since this avatar of mine is still kinda new, I did go through that process, but admittedly, did not hang around that place for long...maybe I should have.

Anyway, A good rule of thumb everybody, is treat property in Second Life as you would in Real Life. If its not yours....respect the owners rights!.

:).....OK...Rant Over!

Till next time!
2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    There are some exceptions, though. I got yelled at by a security system at what I assumed was a store when I tried to go in - it was a big, commercial looking building in a largely retail area. Turned out it was a house.

    Like in RL, sometimes you need a little "this is a private residence" sign.

  2. I know, and you are right. There are never any absolutles, but having some general rule of thumb, is always a good idea.

    Thanks for the the Comment though!